Building of Best school for filmmaking- Everest Film Academy

How to Apply for Admission at the Best Film School of Nepal?

You have found your way to this page, which means your are interested in the world of filmmaking, am I correct? Well, you’re in luck because you’ve landed in the perfect spot. Whether your passion lies in acting, directing, cinematography, visual editing/VFX, or sound design, this is the place to be. If you’re eager to kickstart your career in any of these fields, then read on. This article will provide you with invaluable insights into the application process for courses at Everest Film Academy.

Best Film School of Nepal

Process of enrolling in the Best Film School of Nepal

The initial step is straightforward and uncomplicated. Please click on the provided form, complete all the necessary information, and submit the form. After you’ve submitted the form, our academic officer will respond to your inquiry within 24 hours. Additionally, we highly recommend that all prospective students take advantage of our complimentary counseling services provided by our expert staff by visiting our college.

If you receive a call from our academic office, congratulations! Your application has been successfully received, and you have been selected to proceed with the admission process. The next step is to visit our college to submit the necessary documents, including your citizenship or birth certificate, passport-sized photo, and academic certificates.

After the submission of the required documents, you will be invited for an interview. Please, do not get scared by the term “INTERVIEW.” This interview is simply an opportunity for us to get to know you better, inquire about your interests, and learn about any relevant experiences you may have. Following the interview, if you are chosen, we will extend an offer of admission to you. That’s all!!

We are delighted to inform you that you have been successfully selected for admission to Everest Film Academy. Welcome to the Everest Family, and congratulations on this exciting journey ahead.

Graduation Ceremony

4 thoughts on “How to Apply for Admission at the Best Film School of Nepal?

  1. Thank you Everest film Academy

  2. I am dance lover. And i am interested in cinematography too.

    1. Please provide us your contact details for more infromation.

  3. Thank you

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